McLean County Museum Of History Websites
These are projects, articles, and websites associated with the McLean County Museum of History.

Online Object Database
The Museum is excited to launch our online database, which allows viewers to browse through over 800 object records that had previously been for internal use only. The object records list information such as the object’s name, description, period of creation, associated people, images, and more.

Adlai Today
Adlai Today examines the references made to Adlai Stevenson II in current issues in news stories. Explore this website to find out more about this inspirational political figure who called Bloomington home.
Black History Resource List
A Google Doc containing links to various local Black history resources such as articles, podcasts, videos, finding aids, images, and more!

Digital Exhibits
Read the rich histories featured in our Challenges, Choices, and Change as well as Abraham Lincoln in McLean County exhibits from anywhere!
Social Justice Walking Tour
On this website, you will find stories of events and people in and around Downtown Bloomington, Illinois, that illustrate the evolution of our city over time.
Post Amerikan
Held by the MCMH and digitized by Eastern Illinois University. The Post Amerikan began publication in 1972 in Bloomington-Normal, Illinois. An underground, alternative newspaper, it was run collectively by volunteers. It was the longest continuous publication run for any underground newspaper in America.
Search our Library Catalog
See what books we have in our library. We are a non-circulating library so you must come to the library to see these books, and they cannot go home with you.
Google Cultural Institute
See high resolution digital photographs of the paintings from our collection at the Google Cultural Institute

Virtual Visit
360 degree walk through of Challenges, Choices, and Change exhibits as well as Abraham Lincoln in McLean County.
Pieces from our Past
Museum staff and community contributors write a weekly column in the Pantagraph Sunday edition. Check out past articles here! (This column was formerly known as Pages from our Past and was written by Bill Kemp, Museum librarian.)
Discover local historic images pinned to a map, some overlaid into Google Street View!
Internet Archive
Browse hundreds of resources we have uploaded over the years
PFOP: Curriculum for Teachers
These lesson plans were created by teachers in McLean County for teachers everywhere. The lesson plans use Kemp’s columns as a foundation, as they create solid link between McLean County and national events or themes in U.S. History.

QR Code Smart Phone Tour of Downtown Bloomington
Learn about downtown Bloomington's rich history through its buildings. Look for the QR codes that have been placed in the windows of historically significant buildings around downtown.
Visit our YouTube channel to see upcoming live streams, or to watch many of our fascinating past programs.
External Sites
These are websites and social media groups that are not operated and maintained by the McLean County Museum of History. These sites may be of interest to people doing research or looking to connect with people of similar interests! Listed in alphabetical order.

100 Years Ago in the Pantagraph
by Rochelle Gridley

A History of Founders Grove in Maps
By Rochelle Gridley

Bloomington, Illinois 1838
by Rochelle Gridley

Bloomington-Normal Black History Project
An affiliate organization of the McLean County Museum of History
Facebook Group: Bloomington / Normal Remember When...
Group for people who grew up in Bloomington (or nearby). Everyone who has memories to share is welcome to join.
Facebook Group: Brick Back Bloomington (BBB)
Dedicated to vintage brick paver preservation in Bloomington Normal. Brick streets, sidewalks, restoring, preserving, re-laying, paver brick names, history, and photos.
Facebook Group: Historic Stevensonville Neighborhood
Stevensonville was situated West of Bloomington, IL and built in the late 1870s to house the migrant workers from the McLean Co Coal Mine. The eight original streets were Magoun, Packard, Reeves, Williams, Weldon, Worrell (now Olive), and Stevenson (now grove).
Facebook Group: You know you grew up in or around Bloomington-Normal when you remember....
Group dedicated to the history of Bloomington/Normal and nearby surrounding areas.
McLean County History by Bicycle
by Ryan Smith. This website contains a map of historic markers in McLean County.

Old House Society
Architectural salvage warehouse

WGLT American Archive of Public Broadcasting
Over 500 audio interviews, stories, and other local features from WGLT (from around 1973 to 1999) are now available to the public through the American Archive of Public Broadcasting, a collaboration between the Library of Congress and WGBH in Boston.

Women Called to Action
by Rochelle Gridley