War and Jail
It is Begun: The Pantagraph Reports the Civil War, Evolution of the Jail of McLean County, McLean County in the World War, and more.
Civil War Diaries of James W. Jessee 1861-1865
James joined the 8th Regiment of the Illinois Volunteer Infantry in July of 1861. He began keeping a diary at at that time. His entries continue through the three years of his service, until he was mustered out of service at Springfield, Illinois in August of 1864. The diary entries continue for another 17 months, until December 31, 1865, providing insights into the life of a young farmer in central Illinois.
“Civil War Diaries of James W. Jessee 1861-1865.” McLean County Museum of History, 1997, https://archive.org/details/mcgs-jessee-diary. Accessed 07 Mar. 2025. APA:
Civil War Diaries of James W. Jessee 1861-1865 (1997). McLean County Museum of History, https://archive.org/details/mcgs-jessee-diary Chicago:
“Civil War Diaries of James W. Jessee 1861-1865.” McLean County Museum of History. 1997. Retrieved from https://archive.org/details/mcgs-jessee-diary
Etnataek, the Arrowsmith battlefield
“Etnataek, the Arrowsmith battlefield.” McLean County Museum of History, 1948, https://archive.org/details/etnataekarrowsmi00brig/page/2/mode/2up. Accessed 07 Mar. 2025. APA:
Etnataek, the Arrowsmith battlefield (1948). McLean County Museum of History, https://archive.org/details/etnataekarrowsmi00brig/page/2/mode/2up Chicago:
“Etnataek, the Arrowsmith battlefield.” McLean County Museum of History. 1948. Retrieved from https://archive.org/details/etnataekarrowsmi00brig/page/2/mode/2up
It Is Begun: The Pantagraph Reports the Civil War
Here is a week-by-week sampling of America's most turbulent years, written as it happened, unaided by the benefit of historical perspective. It is how people near Bloomington, Illinois, experienced the days, weeks and years of the Civil War.
“It Is Begun: The Pantagraph Reports the Civil War.” McLean County Museum of History, , https://archive.org/details/itisbegun. Accessed 07 Mar. 2025. APA:
It Is Begun: The Pantagraph Reports the Civil War (). McLean County Museum of History, https://archive.org/details/itisbegun Chicago:
“It Is Begun: The Pantagraph Reports the Civil War.” McLean County Museum of History. . Retrieved from https://archive.org/details/itisbegun
McLean County Blacks in the Civil War
Examines the extent of involvement of Black people from McLean County, Illinois in the Civil War. Previous research has indicated there were about 20 Black males from McLean County who enlisted in "colored regiments." This paper will show the number of Black males who enlisted during the war is probably closer to 39 and the number who died in battle or of disease totaled 13. After the war, at least 29 Black veterans who had served in a variety of regiments, moved into the county.
“McLean County Blacks in the Civil War.” McLean County Museum of History, , https://archive.org/details/mclean-county-blacks-civil-war. Accessed 07 Mar. 2025. APA:
McLean County Blacks in the Civil War (). McLean County Museum of History, https://archive.org/details/mclean-county-blacks-civil-war Chicago:
“McLean County Blacks in the Civil War.” McLean County Museum of History. . Retrieved from https://archive.org/details/mclean-county-blacks-civil-war
McLean County, Illinois, in the World War, 1917-1918
Pierson, Edward E.. “McLean County, Illinois, in the World War, 1917-1918.” McLean County Museum of History, 1921, https://archive.org/details/mcleancountyilli01pier. Accessed 07 Mar. 2025. APA:
Pierson, E. (1921). McLean County, Illinois, in the World War, 1917-1918. McLean County Museum of History, https://archive.org/details/mcleancountyilli01pier Chicago:
Pierson, Edward E.. “McLean County, Illinois, in the World War, 1917-1918.” McLean County Museum of History. 1921. Retrieved from https://archive.org/details/mcleancountyilli01pier
Soldiers of the war of 1812 whose bounty land grants were located in McLean County, Illinois
“Soldiers of the war of 1812 whose bounty land grants were located in McLean County, Illinois.” McLean County Museum of History, 1912, https://archive.org/details/soldiersofwarof100cust. Accessed 07 Mar. 2025. APA:
Soldiers of the war of 1812 whose bounty land grants were located in McLean County, Illinois (1912). McLean County Museum of History, https://archive.org/details/soldiersofwarof100cust Chicago:
“Soldiers of the war of 1812 whose bounty land grants were located in McLean County, Illinois.” McLean County Museum of History. 1912. Retrieved from https://archive.org/details/soldiersofwarof100cust
To Sustain The Union
This book examines the Civil War through the points of view of local citizens, their opinions, and their involvement. And it presents how our ancestors in central Illinois participated in the nation's efforts to sustain the Union.
“To Sustain The Union.” McLean County Museum of History, 2003, https://archive.org/details/tosustaintheunion. Accessed 07 Mar. 2025. APA:
To Sustain The Union (2003). McLean County Museum of History, https://archive.org/details/tosustaintheunion Chicago:
“To Sustain The Union.” McLean County Museum of History. 2003. Retrieved from https://archive.org/details/tosustaintheunion
Soldiers of the Revolution and the War of 1812 buried in McLean County, Illinois
“Soldiers of the Revolution and the War of 1812 buried in McLean County, Illinois.” McLean County Museum of History, 1912, https://archive.org/details/soldiersofrevolu00cust/. Accessed 07 Mar. 2025. APA:
Soldiers of the Revolution and the War of 1812 buried in McLean County, Illinois (1912). McLean County Museum of History, https://archive.org/details/soldiersofrevolu00cust/ Chicago:
“Soldiers of the Revolution and the War of 1812 buried in McLean County, Illinois.” McLean County Museum of History. 1912. Retrieved from https://archive.org/details/soldiersofrevolu00cust/
The Old McLean County Courthouse
This account of the Old McLean County Courthouse will relate how this symbolic center of our community was imagined and built. It includes a history of the courthouse square and the buildings that preceded the Old Courthouse, architectural features of the interior and exterior, materials used, and technologies that keep the building warm, illuminated, and clocks on time.
“The Old McLean County Courthouse.” McLean County Museum of History, 1997, https://archive.org/details/old-mclean-county-courthouse. Accessed 07 Mar. 2025. APA:
The Old McLean County Courthouse (1997). McLean County Museum of History, https://archive.org/details/old-mclean-county-courthouse Chicago:
“The Old McLean County Courthouse.” McLean County Museum of History. 1997. Retrieved from https://archive.org/details/old-mclean-county-courthouse
Evolution of the Jail of McLean County, Illinois
Prince, Ezra Morton. “Evolution of the Jail of McLean County, Illinois.” McLean County Museum of History, 1899, https://archive.org/details/evolutionofjailo00prin. Accessed 07 Mar. 2025. APA:
Prince, E. (1899). Evolution of the Jail of McLean County, Illinois. McLean County Museum of History, https://archive.org/details/evolutionofjailo00prin Chicago:
Prince, Ezra Morton. “Evolution of the Jail of McLean County, Illinois.” McLean County Museum of History. 1899. Retrieved from https://archive.org/details/evolutionofjailo00prin