Digitized by the Internet Archive and Library of Congress
Maps and Aerials
1914 Standard atlas of McLean County, Illinois
Library of Congress
1954 American Aerial County History Series
Each volume includes an up-to-date historical narrative with county maps and many unique aerial photographs of cities, towns, villages and farmsteads.
Bloomington, Illinois 1867 (Bird's-eye view)
Library of Congress
All Other Miscellaneous
A Matter Of Life And Death
Health, illness and medical care are universal aspects of human experience--matters of life and death. This book explores the ways residents of McLean County, Illinois, dealt with childbirth, disease, injury and death from the 1830s to the present. It also compares local with national developments.
“A Matter Of Life And Death.” McLean County Museum of History, 1996, https://archive.org/details/amatteroflifeanddeathbeier. Accessed 21 Mar. 2025. APA:
A Matter Of Life And Death (1996). McLean County Museum of History, https://archive.org/details/amatteroflifeanddeathbeier Chicago:
“A Matter Of Life And Death.” McLean County Museum of History. 1996. Retrieved from https://archive.org/details/amatteroflifeanddeathbeier
Biographical History of the Members of the McLean County Medical Society: 1854-1954
“Biographical History of the Members of the McLean County Medical Society: 1854-1954.” McLean County Museum of History, 1954, https://archive.org/details/biographicalhist00mcle/. Accessed 21 Mar. 2025. APA:
Biographical History of the Members of the McLean County Medical Society: 1854-1954 (1954). McLean County Museum of History, https://archive.org/details/biographicalhist00mcle/ Chicago:
“Biographical History of the Members of the McLean County Medical Society: 1854-1954.” McLean County Museum of History. 1954. Retrieved from https://archive.org/details/biographicalhist00mcle/
Bloomington-Normal Area: McLean County, Danvers, Normal, LeRoy, and McLean Quadrangles
“Bloomington-Normal Area: McLean County, Danvers, Normal, LeRoy, and McLean Quadrangles.” McLean County Museum of History, 1954, https://archive.org/details/bloomingtonnorma1954illi. Accessed 21 Mar. 2025. APA:
Bloomington-Normal Area: McLean County, Danvers, Normal, LeRoy, and McLean Quadrangles (1954). McLean County Museum of History, https://archive.org/details/bloomingtonnorma1954illi Chicago:
“Bloomington-Normal Area: McLean County, Danvers, Normal, LeRoy, and McLean Quadrangles.” McLean County Museum of History. 1954. Retrieved from https://archive.org/details/bloomingtonnorma1954illi
Bloomington's C&A Shops: Our Lives Remembered
From the Civil War era into the early 20th century, the largest local employer was the Chicago & Alton Railroad, which operated a sprawling repair shops and rail yard complex on Bloomington’s west side. The first Pullman car was built there in 1859, and a few years later the first commercial dining car was built there. This book contains the recollections of 24 McLean County residents who talk about the impact of the Chicago & Alton Railroad Shops on their lives and the local community.
“Bloomington's C&A Shops: Our Lives Remembered.” McLean County Museum of History, 1987, https://archive.org/details/bloomingtonscashops. Accessed 21 Mar. 2025. APA:
Bloomington's C&A Shops: Our Lives Remembered (1987). McLean County Museum of History, https://archive.org/details/bloomingtonscashops Chicago:
“Bloomington's C&A Shops: Our Lives Remembered.” McLean County Museum of History. 1987. Retrieved from https://archive.org/details/bloomingtonscashops
Franklin Park Architectural Tour
Take a walk outside and discover the architectural treasures around Franklin Park! This tour was put together by the Franklin Square Association in 1979 and includes an update from Greg Koos from 1988.
“Franklin Park Architectural Tour.” McLean County Museum of History, 1979, https://archive.org/details/franklin-park-architectural-tour. Accessed 21 Mar. 2025. APA:
Franklin Park Architectural Tour (1979). McLean County Museum of History, https://archive.org/details/franklin-park-architectural-tour Chicago:
“Franklin Park Architectural Tour.” McLean County Museum of History. 1979. Retrieved from https://archive.org/details/franklin-park-architectural-tour
Guide leaflet, geological science field trip, Bloomington-Normal area
McLean County, Danvers, LeRoy, McLean, and Normal quadrangles
“Guide leaflet, geological science field trip, Bloomington-Normal area.” McLean County Museum of History, 1957, https://archive.org/details/guideleafletgeol1957ekbl. Accessed 21 Mar. 2025. APA:
Guide leaflet, geological science field trip, Bloomington-Normal area (1957). McLean County Museum of History, https://archive.org/details/guideleafletgeol1957ekbl Chicago:
“Guide leaflet, geological science field trip, Bloomington-Normal area.” McLean County Museum of History. 1957. Retrieved from https://archive.org/details/guideleafletgeol1957ekbl
Heritage of the Prairie: A History of LeRoy and of Empire and West Townships, McLean County, Illinois
“Heritage of the Prairie: A History of LeRoy and of Empire and West Townships, McLean County, Illinois.” McLean County Museum of History, 1976, https://archive.org/details/heritageofprairi00lero/. Accessed 21 Mar. 2025. APA:
Heritage of the Prairie: A History of LeRoy and of Empire and West Townships, McLean County, Illinois (1976). McLean County Museum of History, https://archive.org/details/heritageofprairi00lero/ Chicago:
“Heritage of the Prairie: A History of LeRoy and of Empire and West Townships, McLean County, Illinois.” McLean County Museum of History. 1976. Retrieved from https://archive.org/details/heritageofprairi00lero/
Irish Immigrants In McLean County
“Irish Immigrants In McLean County.” McLean County Museum of History, 2000, https://archive.org/details/irishimmigrantsinmcleancouny. Accessed 21 Mar. 2025. APA:
Irish Immigrants In McLean County (2000). McLean County Museum of History, https://archive.org/details/irishimmigrantsinmcleancouny Chicago:
“Irish Immigrants In McLean County.” McLean County Museum of History. 2000. Retrieved from https://archive.org/details/irishimmigrantsinmcleancouny
Journey Through the Great Depression
For those who lived through it, the Great Depression of the 1930s was unforgettable. Faced with ever-changing conditions, the people of Central Illinois struggled to utilize the resources available to them and ultimately survive the hardships of the 11-year journey. The purpose of this book is to look at how local people experienced this era, and illustrate how McLean County was a prism for the nation's journey through the Great Depression.
“Journey Through the Great Depression.” McLean County Museum of History, 2006, https://archive.org/details/journeythroughthegreatdepression_2006. Accessed 21 Mar. 2025. APA:
Journey Through the Great Depression (2006). McLean County Museum of History, https://archive.org/details/journeythroughthegreatdepression_2006 Chicago:
“Journey Through the Great Depression.” McLean County Museum of History. 2006. Retrieved from https://archive.org/details/journeythroughthegreatdepression_2006
Lexington Architectural Tour
This tour describes Lexington as it was July 1, 1979. The tour was developed under the auspices of the McLean County Arts Council and written by staff writer Deborah Corra in cooperation with Greg Koos of the McLean County Historical Society.
“Lexington Architectural Tour.” McLean County Museum of History, 1979, https://archive.org/details/lexington-achitectural-tour. Accessed 21 Mar. 2025. APA:
Lexington Architectural Tour (1979). McLean County Museum of History, https://archive.org/details/lexington-achitectural-tour Chicago:
“Lexington Architectural Tour.” McLean County Museum of History. 1979. Retrieved from https://archive.org/details/lexington-achitectural-tour
Lincoln in Some of His Unheroic Hours
“Lincoln in Some of His Unheroic Hours.” McLean County Museum of History, 1938, https://archive.org/details/lincolninsomeofh00hasb. Accessed 21 Mar. 2025. APA:
Lincoln in Some of His Unheroic Hours (1938). McLean County Museum of History, https://archive.org/details/lincolninsomeofh00hasb Chicago:
“Lincoln in Some of His Unheroic Hours.” McLean County Museum of History. 1938. Retrieved from https://archive.org/details/lincolninsomeofh00hasb
Official souvenir program, McLean County Centennial 1930
Early history of McLean County, by J. L. Hasbrouk and the Daily Pantagraph - - McLean County Historical Pageant of Progress, written, rehearsed and staged by Harry Miller Co., New York; Weldon B. Wade, Centennial manager and director - - complete programm, McLean County Centennial week.
“Official souvenir program, McLean County Centennial 1930.” McLean County Museum of History, 1930, https://archive.org/details/officialsouvenir00mcle. Accessed 21 Mar. 2025. APA:
Official souvenir program, McLean County Centennial 1930 (1930). McLean County Museum of History, https://archive.org/details/officialsouvenir00mcle Chicago:
“Official souvenir program, McLean County Centennial 1930.” McLean County Museum of History. 1930. Retrieved from https://archive.org/details/officialsouvenir00mcle