Latino History Project
The McLean County Latino History Project is a cooperative endeavor between the McLean County Museum of History and the Illinois State University Latin American and Latino Studies Program. The project's purpose is to research and record the culture and experience of Latinos who have settled in McLean County and to identify and collect artifacts associated with their culture and lives.
El Proyecto Historia Latina en el Condado de McLean es un esfuerzo cooperativo entre el Museo de Historia del Condado de McLean y el programa de estudios Latinoamericanos de la Universidad del Estado de Illinois.
El propósito del proyecto es estudiar la cultura y las experiencias de los latinos que se establecieron en el Condado de McLean e identificar y adquirir artefactos asociados con su cultura y sus vidas. Estos materiales serán usados en exhibiciones, programas y publicaciones, que permitirán al Museo compartir con la comunidad la riqueza de las historias y cultura latina en nuestra comunidad.
El proyecto es conducido por un comité de líderes latinos de la comunidad de McLean County, líderes del programa de Estudios Latinos y estudios Latinoamericanos de la Universidad del Estado de Illinois, y personal clave del Museo de Historia del Condado de McLean.
The McLean County Latino History Project is a cooperative endeavor between the McLean County Museum of History and the Illinois State University Latin American and Latino Studies Program.
The project's purpose is to research and record the culture and experience of Latinos who have settled in McLean County and to identify and collect artifacts associated with their culture and lives. These materials will be used for exhibitions, programs, and publications, and will enable the museum to share with our community the rich stories and culture of Latinos in our community.
The project is led by a committee of leaders from McLean County's Latino community, leaders of Illinois State University’s Latin American and Latino Studies Program, and key staff of the McLean County Museum of History.
Metas del Proyecto
Documentar cuidadosa y profundamente las experiencias de los latinos que se establecieron en el Condado de McLean. (primordialmente a través de historias orales y recuerdos escritos)
Identificar, coleccionar y conservar artefactos, imágenes y documentos (o copias) que reflejen la variedad de las experiencias de los latinos en el Condado de McLean.
Utilizar e interpretar estos materiales para su exhibición, publicación y apoyo en programas de educación para el público general en cuanto a la historia de los latinos en el Condado de McLean.
Hacer estos materiales accesibles para investigadores interesados en la Historia de los latinos en el Condado de McLean.
Project Goals
To accurately and thoroughly document the experience of Latinos who have settled in McLean County (primarily through oral histories and written reminiscences)
To identify, collect and preserve artifacts, images and documents (or copies) that reflect the variety of experiences of Latinos in McLean County
To utilize and interpret these materials for exhibits, publications and programs that educate the general public on the history of Latinos in McLean County.
To make these materials accessible to researchers interested in the history of Latinos in McLean County
Materiales Reunidos
Los materiales reunidos durante el proyecto llegarán a ser parte de la colección del Museo de Historia del Condado de McLean. Serán conservados y utilizados de acuerdo a la misión del Museo (*) y sus políticas.
Las grabaciones de las historias orales serán transcritas por el Museo de Historia del Condado de McLean. Las grabaciones y escritos serán archivados en el Museo.
Fotografías y documentos (o copias) serán archivadas en el Museo.
Se creará una lista de los objetos identificados como importantes para la historia de los latinos en el condado de McLean que permanecen en posesión de sus propietarios, con la posibilidad de que puedan ser prestados para exposiciones o programas.
Los artefactos donados serán documentados y se procesarán en el Museo de Historia del Condado de McLean como colección.
La misión del Museo de Historia del Condado de McLean es educar al público en general sobrela historia de los pobladores del Condado de McLean mediante la operación de museos y librerías que ofrecen exhibiciones, programas públicos e investigaciones de las colecciones; el desarrollo de investigaciones; y adquirir y conservar colecciones las cuales reflejen la diversidad en el Condado de McLean.
Materials Gathered
The materials gathered through the project will become part of the McLean County Museum of History collections. As part of the Museum's collections they will be preserved and utilized according to the Museum's mission* and collection policy.
Oral history audio recordings will be transcribed by the McLean County Museum of History. Both recordings and printed transcriptions will be archived at the Museum.
Photographs and documents (or copies) will be archived at the Museum.
A list of artifacts identified as important to the history of Latinos in McLean County that remain in the possession of their owners will be created so they may possibly be borrowed for exhibitions or programs.
Donated artifacts will be documented and processed into the McLean County Museum of History’s artifact collection and preserved at the museum.
The mission of the McLean County Museum of History is to educate the general public on the history of the people of McLean County by operating museums and libraries which provide exhibits, public programs and research collections; to develop publications; and to acquire and preserve collections which reflect the diversity of McLean County.
Latino History Project Collection Finding Aid
Latino History Project Collection
The McLean County Latino History Project seeks to research and record the culture and experience of Latinos who have settled in McLean...
Related Resources
Videos, documents, and past exhibits related to the Latino/a History Project

Fiesta! A Celebration of Mexican Popular Art
This exhibit was on display from 2012-201 and featured over 150 pieces of art made by the people of Mexico, including ceramics, textiles, paper mache, lacquerware, basketry, carved wood, leather, glass, and more from every region of the country.
Dreams & Life on the Prairie- Latinos in McLean County 1880 to Today
2012. Please note this is audio only.
Conversando Entre Nosotros: What’s in a Label?
2022. Hispanic, Chicano/ Chicana, Latina/o, Latinx, Latine... How are the labels deployed to construct community and identity? How do labels erase communities and identities?
Census Documents
View census documents from early Latinos in McLean County.
In the News
The Pantagraph
November 2, 2012: "Project collects info about migration of Latinos to McLean County"
November 2, 2012: "‘Fiesta’ exhibit open at McLean County Museum of History"
November 2, 2012: "130 years of Latino history in McLean County"
NBC Latino
November 27, 2012: "Researcher unveils Latino history in Illinois dating back to 1880"
Programs and Lectures
See some of the lectures, activities, and events we have had in association with the ¡Fiesta! Exhibit.
Braceros on the Boundaries
Day of the Dead- Dia de los Muertos
Migrant Home Making, Reshaping the Heartland: Latino Diasporic Settlement and Cultural Practice in Rural America
Bilingual Story Time with Bloomington Public Library
Dreams and Life on the Prairie- A Panel Discussion
Slides: Dreams & Life on the Prairie Panel Discussion from Sal Valadez
Ingrid Ramirez- panel moderator, video writer/producer for State Farm.
Paul Segobiano- vice chair of the McLean County Board, and a descendant of early Mexican immigrants to McLean county, will reflect on his experience growing up as a Latino on the west side of Bloomington.
Sal Valadez- Lead researcher of the McLean County Museum of History's Latino History Project, talks about his research.
Dr. Mark Wyman- Professor Emeritus in History at ISU, who discusses Latino migration and labor implications to manufacturing, agribusiness, and food production.
Dr. Maura Toro-Morn- Director of Illinois State University's Latin American and Latino Studies Program Director, talks about what it means to be Hispanic/Latino