Join the Funk Prairie Home and Gem and Mineral Museum as we commemorate the 200th anniversary of the settling of Funks Grove in 1824.
Get a taste of the Funk family’s remarkable history by taking an abbreviated tour of the Civil War-era Victorian farm house of LaFayette Funk, the son of Isaac Funk, one of the original settlers. The home was built on a section of his father Isaac’s original 25,000-acre estate.
Tour the antique horse-drawn farm implement room and learn about the Funk family’s significant agricultural achievements and farming before the invention of tractors!
The main hall of the Gem & Mineral Museum will be open for viewing. The museum showcases the extensive collection of LaFayette Funk II, amassed from all over the world.
Helping us to celebrate this milestone:
McLean County History Museum will be bringing their trivia wheel;
play for a chance to win seeds native to Illinois.Activities for kids by the Master Gardeners of
McLean CountyQuilting demonstration by Motif Handmade
Live traditional music by local Fiddlers
Barn Keepers of Central Illinois will be answering questions in our
restored wood-peg barn, believed to be the oldest and best
preserved in McLean County!Rockhound groups, Lincoln Orbit Earth Science Society and
Peoria Academy of Science Geology Section